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Visualizes your BenchmarkDotNet benchmarks to Colorful images, Feature-rich HTML, and customizable markdown files (and maybe powerful charts in the future!)

In Simple Words: You can create something like this πŸ‘‡

for, foreach, ForEach() Benchmark

Table of Content

A Real World Demo (.NET Collections Benchmark πŸš€)

A Comprehensive Performance Comparison Benchmark Between Different .NET Collections.

Getting Started

1. Install Package

PM> Install-Package BenchmarkDotNetVisualizer

2. Simple Using



var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<JsonSerializersBenchmark>(); 

var htmlFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JsonSerializers\Benchmark.html");

var imageFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\JsonSerializers\Benchmark.png");
await summary.SaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(
    htmlPath: htmlFileName, 
    imagePath: imageFileName,
    options: new ReportHtmlOptions
        Title = "Json Serializers Benchmark",
        GroupByColumns = ["Method"],                          // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
        SpectrumColumns = ["Mean", "Allocated"],              // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum
        DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.EmptyDividerRow, // Separates tables by Empty Divider Row
        HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.Simple            // Uses simple HTML table

Output HTML: Visit this HTML page at samples/Reports/JsonSerializers/Benchmark.html

Output Image: Json Serializers Benchmark

3. Using Exporters




//Exports colorful image
    title: "Json Serializers Benchmark", 
    groupByColumns: ["Method"],             // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
    spectrumColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"], // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum and Sorts the result by them 
    //format: ImageFormat.Webp or Jpeg      // You can set image format (Default is ImageFormat.Png)

//Exports feature-rich HTML
    title: "Json Serializers Benchmark", 
    groupByColumns: ["Method"],             // Groups by 'Method' column and highlights groups
    spectrumColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"]  // Colorizes 'Mean' and 'Allocated' columns as Spectrum and Sorts the result by them 
    //sortByColumns: ["Mean", "Allocated"]  // You can also sort by other columns as you wish

[MemoryDiagnoser(displayGenColumns: false)] // Displays Allocated column (without GC per Generation columns (Gen 0, Gen 1, Gen 2) due to false option)
public class JsonSerializersBenchmark { ... }


To see the results, navigate to the following path:


For Example:

Using BenchmarkAutoRunner to Run your benchmarks

It’s Recommend to use BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run() instead of BenchmarkRunner.Run() to run your benchmarks.

BenchmarkAutoRunner is similar to BenchmarkRunner, but uses Job.Dry with InProcessEmitToolchain is case of DEBUG Mode (due to ease of debugging), and your specified job in case of RELEASE Mode.

It also Warns you if you are running project incorrectly. (for example running with Attached Debugger while RELEASE Mode is enabled)

var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<IteratorsBenchmark>();

Using JoinReports method to Join and Pivot your reports


Performance benchmark between for, foreach, and ForEach() in different versions of .NET

Pivot by .NET Runtime version column

//Recommend to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner
var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<IteratorsBenchmark>();

var htmlFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Iterators\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime.html");

var imageFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Iterators\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime.png");

await summary.JoinReportsAndSaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(
    htmlPath: htmlFileName,
    imagePath: imageFileName,
    options: new JoinReportHtmlOptions
        Title = "Performance Comparison between for, foreach, and ForEach() method",
        MainColumn = "Method",
        GroupByColumns = ["Categories", "Length"],           // Groups by column 'Categories' and 'Length'
        PivotProperty = "Runtime",
        StatisticColumns = ["Mean"],
        ColumnsOrder = [".NET Core 3.0", ".NET Core 3.1", ".NET 5.0", ".NET 6.0", ".NET 7.0", ".NET 8.0"], // Order of columns 
        DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.SeparateTables, //Separates tables by Grouping by 'GroupByColumns'
        HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.RichDataTables,  //Uses feature-rich plugin

Output HTML: Visit this HTML page at samples/Reports/Iterators/JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Runtime.html

Output Image: Iterators Benchmark

Pivot by Method column

//Recommend to use BenchmarkAutoRunner instead of BenchmarkRunner
var summary = BenchmarkAutoRunner.Run<IteratorsBenchmark>();

var htmlFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Iterators\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method.html");

var imageFileName = DirectoryHelper.GetPathRelativeToProjectDirectory(@"Reports\Iterators\JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method.png");

await summary2.JoinReportsAndSaveAsHtmlAndImageAsync(
    htmlPath: htmlFileName,
    imagePath: imageFileName,
    options: new JoinReportHtmlOptions
        Title = "Performance Comparison between for, foreach, and ForEach() method",
        MainColumn = "Runtime",
        GroupByColumns = ["Categories", "Length"],           // Groups by column 'Categories' and 'Length'
        PivotProperty = "Method",
        StatisticColumns = ["Mean"],
        ColumnsOrder = ["for", "foreach", "ForEach()"],      // Order of columns 
        DividerMode = RenderTableDividerMode.SeparateTables, // Separates tables by Grouping by 'GroupByColumns'
        HtmlWrapMode = HtmlDocumentWrapMode.RichDataTables,  // Uses feature-rich plugin

Output HTML: Visit this HTML page at samples/Reports/Iterators/JoinedBenchmark-PivotBy-Method.html

Output Image: Iterators Benchmark



Create an issue if you find a BUG or have a Suggestion or Question.

If you want to develop this project :

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

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Copyright Β© 2024 Mohammad Javad Ebrahimi under the MIT License.